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If you feel that you have been misrepresented by a REALTOR®, you may submit a complaint to the Association of Interior REALTORS®. The Association takes these complaints very seriously and makes every effort to ensure that any complaint is thoroughly investigated and all parties have the chance to be heard.

If you are in such a situation, we advise you to take the following steps:

1. Most problems occur because of miscommunication. Talk with your REALTOR® to clarify your concern.

2. If that doesn’t work, take your concern to the Managing Broker of your REALTOR’s® office. Issues can often be resolved without having to go through a formal complaint process.

3. Talk to the Association of Interior REALTORS® Professional Standards Coordinator, who can help you understand whether or not your complaint falls within the jurisdiction of The Association or that of the industry regulator, BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA). If it falls within The Association’s authority, our Professional Standards Coordinator may be able to help you to work it out to your satisfaction. Call 250-491-4560 and ask for The Association's Professional Standards Coordinator.

4. If you want to take the matter further, you’ll first need to determine whether it’s a matter for your REALTOR’s® Real Estate Board or for the BC Financial Services Authority, the regulatory body responsible for administering the Real Estate Services act. (See "A Matter for the Board or for the regulator" below for details.)

5. Submit your complaint in writing to the appropriate body – outlining the nature of the complaint in as much detail as possible – via the form provided by The Association or BCFSA. (Links to forms are provided below under "Filing Your Complaint".)

A Matter for the Board or for the Regulator?

To determine if your complaint should go to the the Association of Interior REALTORS® or to the BC Financial Services Authority, click here for examples of areas investigated by The Association and examples of matters investigated by BCFSA, and how to submit a complaint to either one.

Filing Your Complaint

If you have a complaint to make to the Association, click here to download, print and complete the Association of Interior REALTORS® Complaint Form.  New editable version of this form is available here.

If you have a complaint to make to the BC Financial Services Authority, click here to download, print and complete the BCFSA Complaint Form.

Please include the required supporting documentation with your submission to The Association or BCFSA.

What Happens During the Complaint Process?

To find out what happens before and after you file your complaint with The Association, click here. We hope this outline of The Association’s procedures for dealing with complaints will answer most of your questions in this regard.

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